Is Nature Healing?

Remember when the earth was actually healing at the start of the pandemic? Rivers were clear, animals roamed free, skies in previously heavily polluted cities were blue. That was really nice to see, albeit through pictures on social media as millions of people sat at home trying to steer clear of COVID-19.  Two years later, […]

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Or should I call this ‘Carnival: The Drama Part 2’.  On account of it’s been carnival season since December, it’s obvious that there would be more drama to ensue. Most recently, it’s been the argument about whether Carnival and Carnival costumes are the subject of cultural appropriation. Let’s talk about it.  SO WHAT HAPPENED? It […]



I know someone will see the title of this blog post and try to ruin the concept of it all by trying to be super politically correct about it. It did not work the first time and it will not work today. I am well aware that Twitter did not actually save the Caribbean – […]


Is Carnival A Hot Body Gyal Event

It’s officially band launch season – and with that comes the building anticipation to see costumes, and decide whether you’re sticking with your band from last year, or throwing band loyalty out the window. As a non-Carnival Jumper, my favourite part about band launch season is picking my hypothetical costume from each band. I never […]

Read More Is Carnival A Hot Body Gyal Event

Did Twitter Save the Caribbean?

I remember when I first made my Twitter account in 2010. I wasn’t sure what the exact purpose was, and none of my friends had accounts. So like a lot of other young people, the first set of accounts I followed were celebrities. Oprah was one of them. I don’t totally know why. Probably because […]

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