Given that it’s women’s month, you might have thought that I would take a more positive angle on women’s issues, femininity and womanhood in general. Instead, I’m here to say that some things aren’t worth getting worked up over.

In a time where political correctness is of great priority, I understand why so many people are bothered by the word female. At the same time, I don’t feel like the outrage is warranted.

I understand that the usual tone in which the word ‘female’ is said (especially by males) is usually condescending and seeks to belittle. Yet, no one can tell me what the real problem is. Some persons have tried to rationalize that female is an umbrella term across all species, and only human beings can be called women.

Okay. But is it condescending if you were to say ‘I am a female’? I feel like this would unravel issues of gender which I am not willing to discuss right now. However, I take this to be a minor issue that is widely blown out of proportion.

One person told me that using the word ‘lady’ alludes to someone who is prim and proper and that ‘woman’ spoke to maturity. So where does ‘female’ fit into the equation? Is it an insult? If you feel like it is, there is then the possibility to reclaim it like we have done to so many words.

So here’s where I’m going with this – amidst all my confusion with the issue in general. There are better things to spend time as a woman, lady or female, worrying about. There are bigger female issues which need more attention and effort.

At the same time, I cannot tell you what you can or cannot be offended by. I do hope that with only 2 weeks left in this year’s women’s month celebrations, we can take the time to highlight some real problems.

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